
Sorry for the long silence, we have been traveling, camping, and getting the new semester underway. In lieu of a food history post, I have a fabulous roasted tomato sauce. Thanks to a friend of a friend in Iowa City for this recipe!

Becky’s Roasted Tomato Sauce

Find the tastiest bunch of nice ripe tomatoes you can…I used a selection of heirlooms and beefsteaks…cut them into large chunks and pile them in a roasting pan, thus


Then add a bunch of minced garlic, I used about eight cloves, and a bunch of shredded fresh basil. Add enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan. Stir it all up and roast at 300F for about three hours. You are looking for caramelized tomatoes like these…


If you have a lot of juices, you can reduce them on the stove top. I had nice, syrupy juices so I roughly blended it all in the food processor. A larger amount might require an immersion blender.

With about five pounds of tomatoes I ended up with just under a quart of the best sauce ever!


About Cooking with Clio

I am a historian. I teach at a large Southern California University. I love to cook and garden and I have recently taken up sewing.
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